He Can Draw Amazing City Scrapes After Observing Briefly. His Panorama City Drawings are One of the Best Drawings I've Ever Seen.

Drawing simple things is easy and some artists can draw complicated drawings and only few can draw very complicated and clustered drawings. In this category, I want to introduce an artist Stephen Wiltshire, who can draw big cityscapes in detail. He only observes briefly and puts his memory and drawing skills in use. He was awarded with MBE for his services in art world.

His story is a bit different. As a child he experienced development delays and at the age of 3, he was diagnosed autistic. He was unable to speak and his first spoken word is 'Paper'. He learned to speak fully at the age of 9. For more of his story, please visit Stephen Wiltshire Biography.

Below images are taken from website and don't forget to see these panoramic drawing in full screen.

Amazon Store: Home Decor Art

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And These are Panoramas. Very Big Drawings!

Click on these two images for bigger view from his site (Must see)
